Approval of Proposed Additions and Amendments to the City Council Guidebook on Attendance via Speakerphone, Interrupted Meetings and Public Communication
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Move to approve the proposed additions and amendments to the City Council Guidebook on Attendance via Speakerphone, Interrupted Meetings and Procedure for Public Communication.
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve the proposed additions and amendments to the City Council Guidebook on Attendance via Speakerphone, Interrupted Meetings and Procedure for Public Communication, and direct staff to update the City Council Guidebook.
Whether to approve the proposed additions and amendments to the City Council Guidebook.
Staff Contact:
Mark Barber, City Attorney, Legal, 360.753.8223
None - Consent Calendar Item
Background and Analysis:
City Staff presented to the General Government Committee three proposed items as additions to or amendments of the current City Council Guidebook:
Proposed Council Guideline 3.22 - Attendance via Speakerphone (Attachment #1) would be an addition to Section 3 of the Guidebook, which addresses City Council Meetings. The new sub-section would address the procedures and limits by which a Councilmember who is unable to physically attend a Council or committee meeting might be allowed to attend the meeting remotely.
Proposed Council Guideline 3.23 - Interrupted Meetings (Attachment #2) would also be an addition to Section 3 of the Guidebook. This new sub-section would provide a procedure for the Council to continue its business in the event a meeting is interrupted to the point that conducting an orderly meeting is impossible and order cannot be restored.
The proposed amendments to Council Guideline 3.7 - Procedure for Public Communication (Attachment #3) would more clearly articulate the limited nature of the public forum offered at Council business meetings and bette...
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