Discussion of Draft 2016 General Government Committee Schedule and Work Plan
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Discuss the proposed General Government Committee 2016 Work Plan and revise the committee schedule and forward to City Council for review and approval.
Whether to discuss and move forward with the draft 2016 General Government Committee Work Plan and revised committee meeting schedule
Staff Contact:
Kellie Purce Braseth, Strategic Communications Director, 360.753.8361
Kellie Purce Braseth, Strategic Communications Director, 360.753.8361
Background and Analysis:
Each year the City Council reviews and approves an annual work plan for all Council Committees. The Draft 2016 General Government Committee work plan is included as attachment 1.
In the Council’s January retreat, the Council chose to make the meeting dates for the General Government Committee the fourth Wednesday of each month. The May 2016 and December 2016 meetings currently fall during Council Vacation weeks and will need to be re-scheduled. A calendar of General Government Committee member’s assignment schedules for non-vacation weeks in May and December are included as Attachment 2, and meant to help facilitate members’ discussion on rescheduling the meeting on those months.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
1. Review and approve the Work Plan as presented and revise the schedule and forward Work Plan and revised Schedule to City Council for Consideration.
2. Revise both the Work Plan and the Schedule and forward to the City Council for Consideration.
3. Review Schedule and Work Plan and postpone final action to a future meeting.