Comprehensive Plan Transportation Chapter Review - Second Draft
Recommended Action
Discuss the second draft of the Comprehensive Plan transportation chapter
Discussion on the second draft of the transportation chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.
Staff Contact:
Michelle Swanson, AICP, Senior Planner, Public Works Transportation, 360.753.8575
Michelle Swanson
Background and Analysis:
In June City staff shared the first draft of the transportation chapter and got feedback from:
• Members of the public
• The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
• The Planning Commission
• The Social Justice and Equity Commission
We have redrafted the chapter to reflect this feedback. Attached is a summary of what we heard.
Additionally, the Planning Commission offered written feedback to staff. Please review the attached summary of that feedback and staff’s response. Several links refer to the Transportation Master Plan, and those links will take readers to the specific section cited.
What’s next
City staff will post the second draft and a summary of the changes between the two drafts to the Engage Olympia page by September 13th. We have also attached a link to that page, so members of the Commission can download and review it before this meeting.
On October 7th, the Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the transportation chapter. Deliberations are scheduled on October 21st.
None - information and discussion only.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact from this item.
Summary of public outreach
Summary and response to Planning Commission’s written comments
Link to Engage Olympia page