Collection of Rezone Proposals - Code Amendment Public Hearing
Recommended Action
Open public hearing and receive staff report and public comments; following close of public hearing specify whether additional time will be provided for written comment.
The Growth Management Act requires that development regulations be consistent with a city's Comprehensive Plan. The recently updated Olympia Comprehensive Plan includes a less specific Future Land Use Map than the prior version. This will probably result in more requests to amend the City zoning map (known as 'rezones') that will not require also amending the Plan. Usually, such rezone applications are reviewed individually when proposed. During consideration of the Plan update members of the public commented that like annual Comprehensive Plan amendments, the City should review rezone proposals collectively. Commenters suggested this would make it easier for the general public to participate in review of rezone proposals.
Staff Contact:
Todd Stamm, Principal Planner, Community Planning and Development Department, 360.753.8597
Todd Stamm, Principal Planner
Background and Analysis:
This issue was referred to the Planning Commission by the City Council in December of 2014. The Commission was briefed regarding this referral on January 5, 2015. The Commission directed that that a proposal be prepared by staff and a public hearing be scheduled.
The proposed development code amendment would collect all rezone proposals into two annual sets. One set would be reviewed concurrently with annual Comprehensive Plan amendments. The other set would be reviewed during a separate period during the year, probably about six months 'out of synch' with the Plan amendments. Rezone amendments could be submitted at any time, and the City Council would establish 'due dates' for each of the two sets of applications to be collected for review. This limitation would apply to pri...
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