Preliminary 2025-2030 Capital Facilities Plan - Deliberations
Recommended Action
Move to approve the Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Financial Plan and forward a comment letter to the City Council.
Whether to approve the Capital Facilities Plan, 2025-2030 Financial Plan and forward a comment letter to the City Council.
Staff Contact:
Casey Schaufler, Associate Planner, Community Planning and Development, 360.753.8254
Casey Schaufler, Associate Planner, Community Planning and Development
Background and Analysis:
The Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) is a Chapter in the City's 20-year Comprehensive Plan adopted by Council in 2014. The CFP portion of the Plan is updated annually.
The CFP identifies which capital facilities are necessary to support development and/or growth, as well as infrastructure improvements needed in our community. Most projects listed are directly related to the applicable master plan, such as the Parks, Arts and Recreation Plan, the Storm and Surface Water Plan, the Transportation Master Plan, and other similar plans. The Comprehensive Plan covers a 20-year time horizon; however, the Preliminary CFP, 2025-2030 Financial Plan is a 6-year financial plan. It is required by the Growth Management Act and includes specific projects, cost estimates, funding sources and strategies to implement the plan.
City staff annually reviews and updates the 6-year plan to ensure it can fund and implement the comprehensive plan vision, showing how the city will provide governmental services at adopted levels of service standards for the existing and projected population growth in the City and Urban Growth Area.
The Commission is responsible for reviewing the plan for consistency with the other chapters of the Comprehensive Plan, holding a Public Hearing, and providing comments to the City Council. City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the Preliminary CFP in October, with planned adoption of the in De...
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