2025-2026 Arts Commission Work Plan and Municipal Art Plan
Recommended Action
Information only. No action requested.
Discussion on the 2025 Work Plan and Municipal Art Plan
Staff Contact:
Stephanie Johnson, Arts Program Manager, Parks, Arts & Recreation, 360.709.2678
Background and Analysis:
Annual work plans are reviewed by City Council in the first quarter of each year. Additionally, the Arts Commission submits the Municipal Art Plan at the same time.
Climate Analysis:
Public art projects in the urban landscape can encourage a more walkable community.
Equity Analysis:
Commission and staff continue to work to build equity into arts programming through development of jury panels, community outreach associated with individual public art projects and the Artist in Residency program, and continued accessibility such as community voting in the Percival Plinth and Traffic Box Wrap programs.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
Discuss and edit the 2025-2026 Work Plan and Municipal Art Plan for an updated version to return to the Commission in February.
Financial Impact:
The Municipal Art Plan proposes funding for public art.
Drafts shared at the meeting.