Music Out Loud Names and Call for Art
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Authorize the Arts Commission and staff to proceed with Call for Art for Music Out Loud performance space honoring the recommended individuals.
City Manager Recommendation:
Concur with the recommendations from the Arts Commission.
General Government Committee asked to review the recommended names and locations before further program implementation.
Staff Contact:
Stephanie Johnson, Arts & Events Program Manager, Olympia Parks, Arts & Recreation, 360-709-2678
Marygrace Jennings, Chair Olympia Arts Commission
Diana Fairbanks, Chair, Art in Public Places Committee, Olympia Arts Commission
Background and Analysis:
At the January 20, 2015 City Council meeting, the Arts Commission was instructed to move ahead in developing the Music Out Loud project, and to return to General Government with an update once they have secured written approval from adjacent businesses, completed the public process to determine musical artist names to be memorialized, and the Call for Art has gone out.
While the first two items have been completed, the final item, the Call for Art, is attached to this staff report for General Government review in advance of sending out the opportunity.
On May 14, the Commission held a public hearing on the Music Out Loud name proposals collected from the community.
The group came to consensus on
* Steve Munger for mastery of diverse styles within his own music
* Verne Eke as a pivotal figure in Olympia's music history
* Bert Wilson for his significant contribution to music and the community.
Staff has developed a Call for Art for the project that includes multiple opportunities for community and Council review, and refined the concept budget.
The proposed schedule follows:
Tentative Time Line/Project Milestones
Schedule subject to change. *Meeting open to the public.
Date TBD ...
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