Approval of Entry Level Police Officer Register
Recommended Action
Staff Recommendation:
Move to approve the certification of the Entry Level Police Officer Register effective January 21, 2025
Staff Contact:
Jason Winner, Sergeant, Olympia Police Department, 360.753.8300
Nicole Camus, Deputy HR Director, 360.753.8213
Based on Civil Service Rule V, Registers, Initial Eligibility Lists, initial eligibility lists were established with candidates who passed the Public Safety Testing written and physical exams. Forty-three (43) candidates were invited to the phase 1 suitability assessment. Fourteen (14) participated in the phase 1 suitability assessment, and six (6) passed. Six (6) candidates were invited to oral interview, three (3) participated, two (2) withdrew, and one (1) was unable to make the interview date. Three (3) candidates passed the oral interview.
Three (3) candidates were male. Two (2) candidates were White/Caucasian and one (1) was Two or More Races. The interview panel consisted of OPD Sergeant Jason Winner, OPD Officer Michelle Magdaleno and Ronald Parker, community member.
Three (3) candidates passed the phase 1 suitability assessment and the oral interview and has been placed with the one (1) outstanding candidate on the register in accordance with scores of 78.76 - 91.46.
Policy Reference:
□ RCW 41.12.040(9), Organization of Commission-Secretary-Powers and Duties of Commission
□ Civil Service Rules, Rule IV, Examinations
□ Civil Service Rules, Rule V, Registers