Recommendation to City Council on Multi-Family Transitions Development Code Amendment
Recommended Action
Move to recommend the City Council change Olympia Municipal Code (OMC) 18.04.060.N to reduce from 10 to 5 acres the threshold for requiring that multi-family projects in the RM-18 and RMU zoning districts include a variety of housing types (not more than 70% of any one housing type) (Option 1.)
Consider a change to the development code to be consistent with proposed Land Use Policy PL16.12 in the Comprehensive Plan Update regarding multi-family housing projects. This would reduce from 10 to 5 acres the threshold for requiring that multi-family (apartment) projects in the Multi-family Residential 18 units per acre (RM-18) and Residential Mixed Use (RMU) zoning districts include a variety of housing types (i.e., detached single family, duplex, triplex, townhome, apartment building.)
Staff Contact:
Amy Buckler, Associate Planner, 360.570.5847, abuckler@ci.olympia.wa.us
Amy Buckler
Background and Analysis:
Following the public hearing, a "Draft Analysis" (Attachment 5) was completed by Commissioners Parker and Andresen, concluding "that if minimum lot size and set-back provisions in the current residential building standards and the requirement for a buffer around all sides of the five acre parcel are taken into account, development on a five acre parcel under the proposed ordinance will require a considerable reduction in the both allowable building coverage and impervious surface. This would likely significantly reduce the density that could be achieved on a five acre parcel." The analysis focused on the existing RM-18 regulations more so than the proposed mix of housing units.
Community Planning & Development Project Planner Gary Cooper reviewed the analysis and found it to be accurate on several accounts; however, the assumption each transitional housing (duplex) unit would fully utilize the 50% maxim...
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