Amendment to 2012 Capital Budget Ordinance
Amend the Capital Budget
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager's Recommendation:
Move to approve amending ordinance on first reading and forward to second reading.
Staff Contact:
Dean Walz, Fiscal Services Director, Administrative Services Department, 360.753.8465
None. Consent Calendar item.
Background and Analysis:
To change the budget the Council must approve a new ordinance amending the budget. Due to the administrative difficulty of possibly having several items going to the Council at or near the same time, budgetary amendments are generally made quarterly. On occasion a budget change needs to be made between the quarterly updates. In those cases an ordinance may come to the council as an ordinance relating to the budget, but not actually amending a previous ordinance. The ordinances relating to the budget will be included in the next quarterly update. The attached ordinance reflects ordinances which may have been adopted relating to the budget since the last quarterly update, and other proposed changes to the operating budget.
There are no ordinances passed since the last budget update relating to the operating budget.
Budget Items not previously presented to the Council:
1) Appropriation of $950,290 within the Capital Improvement Fund for sidewalk projects previously budgeted within the Parks & Recreational Sidewalk Utility Tax Fund. Funding will be from transfers from the Parks & Recreational Sidewalk Utility Tax Fund. There are also sidewalk projects budgeted within the Capital Improvement Fund. It is more efficient to do similar capital projects all within the same Fund.
2) Appropriation of $205,000 within the Capital Improvement Fund for the Harrison Avenue project for undergrounding utilities, contaminated soil work and other costs related to the project. Funding is from previously...
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