Olympia 2045 - Parks, Arts and Recreation Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan Update
Recommended Action
The Social Justice and Equity Commission, Olympia Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Advisor Committee recommend the City Council receive a briefing on the Parks, Arts and Recreation Chapter of the Olympia Comprehensive Plan.
City Manager Recommendation
Receive a briefing on the Parks, Arts and Recreation Chapter of the Olympia Comprehensive Plan.
Whether to receive a briefing on the Parks, Arts and Recreation Chapter of the Olympia Comprehensive Plan.
Staff Contact:
Sylvana Niehuser, Director of Parks Planning and Maintenance, Parks, Arts & Recreation, 360.753.8068
Sylvana Niehuser, Director of Parks Planning and Maintenance, Parks, Arts & Recreation
Background and Analysis:
The Comprehensive Plan outlines the long-term vision and goals for Olympia, projecting 20 years into the future. First adopted over fifty years ago, the plan encompasses the Olympia City Limits and Urban Growth Area, addressing a broad spectrum of issues, including housing, land use, transportation, parks and open spaces, utilities and public services, and economic development. The plan also reflects the community's values, such as public participation, climate change action, and equity.
The Parks, Arts, and Recreation (PAR) Chapter is a key component of the Comprehensive Plan, offering a framework for how the city will develop its parklands, recreational facilities, and cultural amenities to meet the needs of the growing population.
Updates to this chapter are driven by several factors:
* 2022 Parks, Arts, and Recreation Plan (Adopted Master Plan)
* Growth Management Act (GMA) requirements
* Public engagement feedback (emails, surveys, public meetings)
* Input from various community groups and government agencies, including:
o Olympia Planning Commission
o Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
o Social Justice and Equity Commis...
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