Olympia 2045 - Public Safety Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan Update
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
The Social Justice and Equity Commission, Olympia Planning Commission and Community Livability and Public Safety Committee recommend the City Council receive a briefing on the Public Safety Chapter of the Olympia Comprehensive Plan.
City Manager Recommendation:
Receive a briefing on the Public Safety Chapter of the Olympia Comprehensive Plan.
Whether to receive a briefing on Public Safety Chapter of the Olympia Comprehensive Plan.
Staff Contact:
Casey Schaufler, Associate Planner, Community Planning and Development, 360.753.8254
Casey Schaufler, Associate Planner, Community Planning and Development
Matt Morris, Chief, Olympia Fire Department
Sam Costello, Deputy Chief, Olympia Police Department
Background and Analysis:
For the last Periodic Update, the City's Comprehensive Plan underwent a major rewrite through a planning process that took place from 2009 through 2014. The Plan was adopted in December 2014. At least once every ten years, cities and counties that are fully planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA), must update its plan through a process known as the Periodic Update. The Periodic Update requires that jurisdictions update the planning horizon to a minimum of 20 years, update the population projection it is planning for, and address all new planning requirements that have been adopted since the previous update.
The Public Safety chapter is the renamed Public Services chapter. The new title reflects certain elements such as housing and land use policies and goals that are moved from the Public Safety chapter to other more relevant chapters. The Public Safety chapter is now exclusively focused on code enforcement, policing, and fire and medical emergency services. The overarching goal of the Public Safety chapter is to ensure that all Olympians feel safe and receive reliable, compassiona...
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