Quasi-Judicial Decision on Ordinance on Cushing Street Rezone
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee. The Hearing Examiner held a public hearing and issued his recommendation (attached).
City Manager Recommendation:
Approve on second reading the ordinance rezoning the Cushing Street property, as recommended by the Hearing Examiner.
Whether to approve on first reading and move to second reading the adoption of the attached ordinance amending the City of Olympia zoning map to rezone the Cushing Street property from Residential Six to Twelve Units per Acre (R 6-12) to High Density Corridor 3 (HDC 3).
Staff Contact:
Linda Bentley, Senior Planner, Community Planning & Development, 360.570.3746
Linda Bentley, Senior Planner, Community Planning & Development
Background and Analysis:
Background and Analysis has not changed from first to second reading.
The Olympia Hearing Examiner held an open-record public hearing on October 10, 2016. On October 24, 2016, after considering the facts and one public comment in favor of the rezone, the Examiner recommended that the land use zoning of the Cushing Street property be changed from Residential Six to Twelve Units per Acre (R 6-12) to High Density Corridor 3 (HDC 3).
The Hearing Examiner decision (attached) concludes that the change in zoning designation meets all criteria in OMC 18.59.050 (attached): it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, including the Future Land Use map; maintains public health, safety and welfare; is consistent with development regulations; results in compatible adjacent zoning districts; and planned or existing public facilities and services are adequate to support any changes allowed under the HDC 3 zoning.
In accordance with OMC 18.58.020, the proposed rezone was forwarded to the Olympia Planning Commission, which unanimously recommended approval of the rezone. City planning staff also recommended approval to t...
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