Discussion of the Community Renewal Area Request for Proposal Document
City Manager Recommendation:
Review the discussion of this item at the July 7, 2015 City Council meeting
The CRA Resolution adopted by City Council on February 3, 2015, directed the City Manager to develop an RFP document and process for City Council review and approval. City Council reviewed the Attached Request for Proposals (RFP) on June 16, 2015 and made suggested revisions. The Community and Economic Revitalization Committee (CERC) reviewed the document on June 22, 2015 and recommends approval of the document as amended.
Staff Contact:
Keith Stahley, Director Community Planning and Development Director 360.753.8227
Keith Stahley, Director Community Planning and Development Director
Background and Analysis:
The CERC has continued to review and provide feedback to staff and the consultant team about the draft RFP since November of 2014. The latest edition is included as Attachment 1. This document responds to the feedback and direction provided by City Council at their June 16, 2015 meeting along with additional clarifying amendments by staff and the consultant team and the CERC at their June 22, 2015 meeting.
Council is encouraged to focus on pages 7, 8 and 9. These pages in particular have been revised to respond to Council feedback from June 16, 2015. Amendments suggested by the CERC at their June 22,2015 meeting are included in legislative format.
1. Consider the updated RFP and direct staff to proceed with the RFP process.
2. Hear the staff report and provide feedback and refer it to a future City Council agenda for further deliberation and later action.
Financial Impact:
The work proposed herein is within the project scope and budget.