Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Roof Repairs at the City's Maintenance Center
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve a Resolution authorizing the Supplemental Terms and Conditions with James King Roofing, LLC for roof repairs at the City's Maintenance Center in the amount of $466,544.32.
Whether to authorize the Supplemental Terms and Conditions for roof repairs with James King Roofing, LLC.
Staff Contact:
Eli Cole, Facilities Manager, Public Works Engineering, 360.753.8154
None - Consent Calendar Item.
Background and Analysis:
The roof needs to be repaired at the City's Maintenance Center located at 1401 Eastside Street SE. There are significant water leaks throughout the facility which will potentially damage the structure and create health and safety issues if they are not addressed.
The Maintenance Center facility was originally constructed in 1976. This 48-year-old, two-story building houses most of the Public Works employees and includes field operations shop spaces, the City's vehicle repair shop, offices, meeting rooms, tool and parts rooms, and various other spaces. In 1998, the original roof system was replaced. A surface coating was then placed in 2016 to extend the life of the roof for several more years. However, this coating has now reached the end of its useful life.
Additionally, a Maintenance Center feasibility study was conducted in 2016 to identify future space needs and site requirements for new operations and maintenance facilities. Staff continues to make progress toward realizing these future new facilities; however, they are still many years away from being constructed. The existing Maintenance Center is a critical Public Works facility that needs to be functional and safe for staff until new and/or renovated maintenance facilities are built. A new roof coating and repair is necessary to keep the Maintenance Ce...
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