Approval of a Resolution Authorizing an Option to Purchase Real Estate Agreement of Real Property Owned by JJP Group, LLC for Future Temporary Shelter, Affordable Housing, Public Roadway, Wetlands Preservation, and Open Space
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve a Resolution Authorizing an Option to Purchase Real Estate agreement of Real Property owned by JJP Group, LLC for future temporary shelter, affordable housing, public roadway, wetlands preservation, and open Space.
Whether to approve a Resolution Authorizing an Option to Purchase Real Estate agreement of Real Property owned by JJP Group, LLC for future temporary shelter, affordable housing, public roadway, wetlands preservation, and open Space.
Staff Contact:
Darian Lightfoot, Director of Housing and Homeless Response, 360.280.8951
None - Consent Calendar Item.
Background and Analysis:
The land containing a large encampment referred to as The Jungle has recently been listed for sale. The wooded parcels, totaling 19 acres are sandwiched between two major corridors, Martin Way and Pacific Avenue and have been the topic of community discussions for many years. The City purchased a 6-acre parcel in the middle of the Jungle property in 2019, forecasting the need for future development and City interests in the broader property. Since then, the encampment has become more established and a greater impact to the surrounding neighborhood.
The site being listed for sale creates varying levels of uncertainty that are driving the proposed Option to Purchase agreement. The potential displacement of unhoused residents on the site caused by a change in ownership would have wide impacts on the community. People would potentially be forced to scatter throughout the City requiring divided attention from homeless response and social services providers, potentially creating several new smaller enc...
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