Armory Naming Orientation
Recommended Action
Information only. No action requested.
To learn about the process for Armory naming and help get the work out about the opportunity for public comment.
Staff Contact:
Valerie Roberts, Armory Building Manager, Parks, Arts & Recreation, 360.753.8468
Valerie Roberts, Armory Building Manger
Background and Analysis:
City of Olympia Municipal Code 12.62.050 -12.62.060 establishes policy and procedure for the naming of parks and parks facilities. Armory Building Manager Valerie Roberts will inform Arts Commissioners of the timeline for the Armory Building naming process and opportunities for public participation.
Climate Analysis:
This presentation and the Armory naming process will not impact any of the climate mitigation sectors.
Equity Analysis:
Naming of the Armory can include historic figures or events and cultural attributes which may serve to more fully represent the residents of Olympia. In addition, Arts Commissioners knowing the process in advance can help them reach out to their communities as well as part of the effort to make public component better known among community members.
Neighborhood/Community Interests (if known):
Receive the presentation and provide comment.
Financial Impact:
12.62.050 Naming of Parks and Park Facilities - Policy
12.62.060 Naming of Parks and Park Facilities - Procedure