Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/13/2021 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Online and Via Phone
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Attachments: Upcoming Agendas as of 04/08/21, Meeting Packet 4/13/21 (198 pgs, 8.49 MB)
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsMedia
21-0354 12.ArecognitionSpecial Recognition - West Bay Art Crossing Dedicationreceived  Action details Not available
21-0353 12.BrecognitionSpecial Recognition - Proclamation Recognizing Olympia Bicycle Monthreceived  Action details Not available
21-0373 12.CrecognitionSpecial Recognition - Proclamation Recognizing Workers Memorial Weekreceived  Action details Not available
21-0364 14.AminutesApproval of March 30, 2021 City Council Meeting MinutesadoptedPass Action details Not available
21-0367 14.BdecisionApproval of 2021 Advisory Committee Work PlansadoptedPass Action details Not available
21-0319 14.CresolutionApproval of a Resolution Authorizing a Grant Agreement Between the City of Olympia and the Family Support Center of South Sound for Completion of a Homeless ShelteradoptedPass Action details Not available
21-0346 14.DresolutionApproval of a Resolution Authorizing Amendment One to an Interlocal Agreement with the Regional Housing Council Regarding Use of Senate House Bill 1406 FundsadoptedPass Action details Not available
21-0356 14.EresolutionApproval of a Resolution Authorizing a Project Funded Increase in City Staffing by One Quarter Full-Time-Equivalent to Support the Design and Re-construction of the Armory Creative CampusadoptedPass Action details Not available
21-0359 14.FresolutionApproval of a Resolution Related to the Appointment of an Independent Salary Commission to Review City Council Compensationadopted  Action details Not available
21-0360 14.GresolutionApproval of a Resolution Authorizing an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the Cities of Olympia, Lacey and Yelm for Implementing the Deschutes Water Rights Mitigation Strategy - Phase VadoptedPass Action details Not available
21-0363 16.AdecisionApproval of Poet Laureate for 2021-2023approvedPass Action details Not available
21-0361 16.BinformationBriefing on the Social Justice and Equity Commission Public Engagement Processreceived  Action details Not available
21-0345 16.CresolutionApproval of a Resolution Authorizing the 2021 Home Fund Capital Awards for Supportive HousingapprovedPass Action details Not available
21-0362 16.DordinanceApproval of an Ordinance Relating to Employment in Olympia; Establishing Labor Standards Requirements for Additional Compensation for Grocery Employees Working in Olympia; and Declaring an Emergency and Establishing an Immediate Effective Dateapproved on first reading and moved to second readingPass Action details Not available
21-0362 1 ordinanceApproval of an Ordinance Relating to Employment in Olympia; Establishing Labor Standards Requirements for Additional Compensation for Grocery Employees Working in Olympia; and Declaring an Emergency and Establishing an Immediate Effective Dateapproved on first reading and moved to second readingPass Action details Not available
21-0362 1 ordinanceApproval of an Ordinance Relating to Employment in Olympia; Establishing Labor Standards Requirements for Additional Compensation for Grocery Employees Working in Olympia; and Declaring an Emergency and Establishing an Immediate Effective Dateapproved on first reading and moved to second readingPass Action details Not available
21-0368 19.Aexecutive sessionExecutive Session Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(b); RCW 42.30.110 (1)(c) - Real Estate Matterheld and no decisions were made  Action details Not available