Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Funding Recommendation of the Cultural Access Advisory Board for Inspire Olympia
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
The Cultural Access Advisory Board recommends approving the Resolution authorizing expenditures from the Cultural Access Fund for Inspire Olympia contracts.
City Manager Recommendation:
Move to approve a Resolution authorizing the funding recommendation of the Cultural Access Advisory Board for Inspire Olympia contracts.
Report Issue:
Whether to approve a Resolution authorizing the funding recommendation of the Cultural Access Advisory Board for Inspire Olympia contracts.
Staff Contact:
Marygrace Goddu, Inspire Olympia Program Manager, Community Planning & Development, 360.480.0923
Marygrace Goddu, Inspire Olympia Program Manager
Cultural Access Advisory Board Member and Representative
Background and Analysis:
The Inspire Olympia Cultural Access Program is funded by one-tenth of one percent of Olympia's sales tax, effective January 2023 for a period of seven years. Revenues are deposited into the Cultural Access Fund and are to be used to support the work of local nonprofit organizations who are mission-focused on the arts, science, culture or heritage, and who offer public programming in Olympia.
The Cultural Access Advisory Board (CAAB) was established to advise City Council on implementation of Inspire Olympia, to recommend funding guidelines for cultural access programming consistent with state law, and to review grant applications for programming that meets criteria for providing public benefit (RCW 36.160.110). The CAAB is to make recommendations regarding funding to City Council.
The funding guidelines and criteria for public benefit were developed by CAAB and presented to City Council in August 2023. At that time Council also approved a funding framework that includes two funding pathways, created to promote equitable distribution of funding among a popula...
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