Status Reports and Update - Action Plan
Recommended Action
City Manager Recommendation:
Receive and discuss a briefing on the status of the Action Plan.
Staff will provide the Land Use and Environment Committee with a status report on development of Olympia's first Action Plan. Topics will include an update on the Action Plan Partner Work Group, public outreach and involvement, and an invitation to attend the Action Plan Launch Party on Saturday, April 18, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Olympia Center.
Stacey Ray, Senior Planner, Community Planning & Development, 360.753-8046
Background and Analysis:
Olympia has a new Comprehensive Plan with a clear vision for our community's future. The Action Plan will lay out specifically what we, as a community, will do over the next six years to accomplish our newly adopted goals. That may include everything from individual projects, like completion of the Percival Landing rehabilitation, to on-going programs, such as the expansion of a citywide bike corridor network. The Plan will also include community indicators to help us track our progress and share stories of success.
A draft Action Plan has been developed over the past year by City staff with guidance from LUEC, and an extensive public involvement process is currently underway until late July. A draft Action Plan is slated to be delivered to City Council for consideration in August 2015.