Special Recognition: Action Plan Video Highlighting Pear Blossom Place
Recommended Action
Committee Recommendation:
Not referred to a committee.
City Manager Recommendation:
Briefing only; no action requested.
Staff will share the third in a five-part video series highlighting inspiring stories of partnerships moving our community forward in accomplishing our Comprehensive Plan vision.
Staff Contact:
Stacey Ray, Senior Planner, Community Planning and Development, 360.753.8046
Stacey Ray, Senior Planner, Community Planning and Development
Background and Analysis:
Olympia has a new Comprehensive Plan with a clear vision for our community's future. The Action Plan will lay out specifically what we, as a community, will do to accomplish our adopted goals. That may include everything from individual projects to on-going programs. The Plan will also include community indicators to help us track our progress and share stories of success.
The City in collaboration with TCTV is producing a series of videos to highlight the five Action Plan Action Areas: Community Services, Downtown, Economy, Environment, and Neighborhoods. The videos share stories of inspiring community partnerships that are helping move us forward in accomplishing our Comprehensive vision, and are meant to encourage community members to get involved in the City's first Action Plan.
Tonight, staff will share the third video produced in the five-part series, which focuses on Community Services. The video highlights how Pear Blossom Place Family Shelter is providing local families with access to basic needs, such as food, shelter, and support when they need it most.
Located in what once was an unused City of Olympia office building, Pear Blossom Place is run by the Family Support Center of South Sound as a 24-hour temporary, emergency shelter for families in Thurston County who find themselves without a safe place to...
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